The Mission of St. Mary’s School in union with parents is to gather as a faith-filled community to form students through the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Catholic tradition and to provide an excellent education.
Section 1
The President shall preside at the meetings of this council, appoint chairpersons of the fundraisers and social activities committees with the approval of the PAC Executive Committee, create a fundraising and social function budget for the Local Consultative Advisory Board (LCAB) approval, be in attendance or participate in at least 80% of all PAC events ( such as Green sales, Lights of St. Mary’s, BK Coupon Book sales, Teacher Appreciation events, school plays, etc….), sign orders for payments of bills with the Approval of the School Finance Committee, attend all LCAB meetings as an ex-officio, provide LCAB with minutes and a financial report at each meeting, and perform other such duties as incumbent upon this office, including informing and coordinating events and activities with the School Administrator. The term of this office is two years. The President shall remain an ex-officio for a minimum of one year after the term expires.
Section 2
The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President. The Vice President is responsible for submitting information concerning PAC news, inserts for the church bulletin, and calendar events to the School Administrator for the school newsletter. The Vice President shall be the appointed President after the President’s term expires or if the President is unable to fulfill their duties.
Section 3
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all PAC meetings. Minutes must be submitted electronically to the PAC President no later than two weeks after each meeting. The term of this office is for two years.
Section 4
The Treasurer shall keep records of all expenses, revenues and profits from all PAC activities. A monthly financial report must be submitted for approval at each LCAB meeting. The financial report shall contain revenues, expenses, and profit from all fundraisers and social events. The term of this office is for two years.
Section 5
An officer may be dismissed after absence of three meetings and failure to comply with their specific duties.
St. Mary’s Parent Advancement Council
Niles, Michigan
Revised 2013
LCAB Approved November 11, 2013
Page 2
The Mission of St. Mary’s School in union with parents is to gather as a faith-filled community to form students through the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Catholic tradition and to provide an excellent education.
Parent Advancement Council Constitution
Article I
The name of this association is the St. Mary’s Parent Advancement Council (PAC) of St. Mary’s of the Immaculate Conception Church, Niles, Michigan, in the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan, and is organized under the authority of the Pastor and School Administrator.
Article II
The objectives of the PAC shall be:
to supplement educational, beautification and extra cu-curricular activities through fundraising and social events;
to promote clearer understanding of the mutual educational responsibilities based upon our faith in Christ;
to assist the school administrator, school faculty and LCAB in any way possible;
respectfully communicate appropriate concerns and activities with the School Administrator and the Pastor.
Article III
PAC shall respect the established school policies and practices as set forth by the Pastor and School Administrator. PAC may not seek to direct St. Mary’s School Administration activities or to control its policies.
Article IV
Any person interested in the spiritual, educational and social development of Catholic youth is eligible to attend PAC meetings.
Article V
The elected officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The officers shall be elected and installed at the May meeting, with Pastor approval. Candidates must attend at least 80% of the current year’s meetings to be considered for an officer position. If no attendee attains said attendance percentage, then the next highest in attendance shall be considered for eligible for an officer position.
The term of office shall be two years. Officers may be re-elected or appointed for additional terms.
The president must conduct a minimum of six meetings per calendar year, with meetings preferably taking place each month during the school year.
Article VI
The PAC constitution may be amended from time to time as the School Administrator, Pastor, and parents deem necessary and appropriate. Amendments must be approved by the LCAB and the Pastor at the next regularly scheduled business meeting.